Saturday, June 29, 2024

Who Will Be Left Standing...πŸ™πŸŒΏπŸŒΌπŸ•Š

Already the Judgments of God are abroad in the land, as seen in storms, in floods, in tempests, in earthquakes, in peril by land and by sea.  The  GREAT I AM is speaking to those who make void His Law.    When God’s wrath is poured out upon the earth, who will then be able to stand?  Now wrath is poured out upon the earth, who will then be able to stand?  Now is the time for God’s people to show themselves True to principle.  When the Religion of Christ is most held in contempt, When His Law is most despised, Then should our zeal be the warmest and our courage and firmness the most unflinching. To stand in defence of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are few - This will be our test!  

At this time we must gather Warmth from the Coldness of others, Courage from their Cowardice, and Loyalty from their Treason.   

The Nation will be on the side of the great rebel leader!  

-Testimonies For The Church Volume 5 page 136.2 

Will you be able to STAND?

Happy and Joyful Sabbath as We are filled with this Hope that Burns within Our Heart!

We are United in Christ!  

Jesus is Coming Very Soon!  


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Truth and Error...πŸ™πŸŒΏπŸŒΌ

Wherever the cause exists, the same results will follow. He who deliberately stifles his convictions of duty because it interferes with his inclinations will finally lose the power to distinguish between truth and error. The understanding becomes darkened, the conscience callous, the heart hardened, and the soul is separated from God. Where the message of divine truth is spurned or slighted, there the church will be enshrouded in darkness; faith and love grow cold,and estrangement and dissension enter. Church members center their interests and energies in worldly pursuits, and sinners become hardened in their impenitence.  Page 379 GC EGWhite.  Friend, keep your heart and mind focused on Christ and Christ alone!

Happy and Joyful Sabbath as We are filled with this Hope that Burns within Our Heart!

We are United in Christ!  

Jesus is Coming Very Soon!  


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Defeating Our Goliaths...πŸ™πŸŒΏπŸŒΌ

Defeating Our Goliaths

David faced what appeared to be an insurmountable problem, but he was victorious through God’s power. We can be, too. David declared victory over Goliath before the battle even began (v. 46). His confidence was rooted in his past experiences with the Lord. What’s more, David believed triumph was certain because he came in the name of the Lord.

David had practical faith habits. A strong relationship with the Lord developed from spending time in His presence. This in turn enabled David to face problems with certainty that he was a beloved child of God, with full access to his Father’s storehouses of power, courage, and wisdom. If doubts ever arose, he could look back on God’s great faithfulness in past troubles.

Happy and Joyful Sabbath as We are filled with this Hope that Burns within Our Heart!

We are United in Christ!  

Jesus is Coming Very Soon!  


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Love One Another...πŸ™πŸŒΏπŸŒΌπŸ•Š

The Samaritan had fulfilled the command, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself,” thus showing that he was more righteous than those by whom he was denounced. Risking his own life, he had treated the wounded man as his brother. This Samaritan represents Christ. Our Saviour manifested for us a love that the love of man can never equal. When we were bruised and dying, He had pity upon us. He did not pass us by on the other side, and leave us, helpless and hopeless, to perish. He did not remain in His holy, happy home, where He was beloved by all the heavenly host. He beheld our sore need, He undertook our case, and identified His interests with those of humanity. He died to save His enemies. He prayed for His murderers. Pointing to His own example, He says to His followers, “These things I command you, that ye love one another”; “as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” John 15:17; 13:34.

Happy and Joyful Sabbath as We are filled with this Hope that Burns within Our Heart!

We are United in Christ!  

Jesus is Coming Very Soon!  


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Blow Ye The Trumpet In Zion...πŸ™πŸŒΏπŸŒΌ

Revelation 18 shows the desperate condition of the religious world just before the Lord comes, and the call from God is, “Come out of her, My people.” It is a call to you to reform your life, to forsake sin and self, and to take the salvation of God. 

In Rev. 14:6-14 the Lord has given an outline of the message that is to go to every person, with the power to cleanse you so you can be a living stone in the living temple of God. It is the work that you should now be engaged in, for the day of the Lord is surely at hand, and His Word is to be set before you to prepare you to abide the day of His coming.  “Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in My holy mountain; let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand.” Joel 2:1. “Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the LORD.” Isa. 52:11.

Happy and Joyful Sabbath as We are filled with this Hope that Burns within Our Heart!

We are United in Christ!  

Jesus is Coming Very Soon!