“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done...” Genesis 50:20
Satan may know your weak spots, but the good news is God can still use them for your good. In Genesis 50:20, Joseph said, “What you meant for my evil, God turned for good.” The enemy comes to deflate your life, but Jesus comes to fill it.
Abraham and Sarah had a promise from God. God said, “You shall have a child that shall become a nation that will produce a Messiah, and He will save the world.” And Satan immediately decided to try to deflate that promise by sending a distraction. After a long time of discouragement, Sarah’s faith became so deflated that she said, “We can’t make it happen as God said, so you go in and sleep with Hagar, my handmaid.” Hagar, produced a child whom she named Ishmael.
It looked like the enemy had deflated the promise of God. But remember the Genesis 50:20 rule, “What the enemy meant for my evil, God will turn for my good.” Fast forward two generations and you will find the story of Abraham’s great-grandson, whose name is Joseph. He’s been thrown into a pit by his own jealous brothers, and they’re debating whether or not to kill him.
While they’re debating what to do, some people ride up, whom the Bible calls the Ishmaelites. Do you know where they came from? The Ishmaelites came from the biggest mistake Abraham ever made and the greatest weakness he ever had. The enemy thought he would use that weakness to deflate and shame Abraham’s family for the rest of their lives, but God got the final say.
The only thing that kept Joseph (the great, great, great, great ancestor of Jesus Christ) alive was the Ishmaelites, who were born two generations earlier through Grandpa Abraham's mistake.
The Ishmaelites bought Joseph and then took him to Egypt, where all the food was located. The world was starving to death in a famine, and Joseph somehow landed in a place of plenty. Then, God used him to feed the world.
A grandpa’s mistake became the grandson’s miracle. A grandpa’s curse became a grandson’s blessing. God will turn around the same weak spot Satan wants to destroy you with and use it to bring life.
Speak the 50:20 rule over your family today. Declare that what the enemy meant for your evil, God will turn it for your good! God still has life, and life more abundantly. And somehow, the 50:20 rule will kick in. God will not allow the enemy to win in a family that has been filled with His life. Walk in Faith!
100% to God = 0% Compromise to the world!
Happy and Joyful Sabbath as We are filled with this Hope that Burns within Our Heart!
We are United in Christ!
Jesus is Coming Very Soon!