Every morning in the desert, God provided the two million Israelites with manna, something like bread, but the people bitterly complained that they wanted meat. God was angered by their complaining, but He told Moses that He would give the people meat, not for a day, but for a whole month. Moses said that was completely impossible, but God answered, “Is there any limit to My power?”
The Scripture says, “God shifted the wind and caused hundreds of thousands of quail to come in from the sea. For miles in every direction there were quail flying about three feet above the ground.” They were awestruck by what God had done. God is about to shift the winds to blow in your direction. He’s going to cause the quail to come looking for you. You couldn’t have made it happen. You didn’t have the connections, the experience, or the background. But you’ve kept God first place. You’ve been faithful and honored Him. Now He’s going to cause a shift from borrowing to lending, from renting to owning, from not enough to more than enough. Walk in Faith!
Prayer For Today:
Father, thank You for this beautiful and blessed day. I trust in Your limitless power and faithfulness. Just as You provided for the Israelites, I know You will provide for me. Shift the winds in my favor, Lord—move me from lack to abundance, from struggle to breakthrough. I choose to keep You first and trust in Your perfect timing. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
100% to God = 0% Compromise to the world!
Happy and Joyful Sabbath as We are filled with this Hope that Burns within Our Heart!
We are United in Christ!
Jesus is Coming Very Soon!
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