Today’s Word:
David faced what appeared to be an insurmountable problem, but he was victorious through God’s power. We can be, too. David declared victory over Goliath before the battle even began (v. 46). His confidence was rooted in his past experiences with the Lord. What’s more, David believed triumph was certain because he came in the name of the Lord.
David had practical faith habits. A strong relationship with the Lord developed from spending time in His presence. This in turn enabled David to face problems with certainty that he was a beloved child of God, with full access to his Father’s storehouses of power, courage, and wisdom. If doubts ever arose, he could look back on God’s great faithfulness in past troubles.
To be victorious, we should practice David’s spiritual habits. Spend time with God and keep a record of His work in your life. Then you can be confident that He is sufficient, no matter the obstacle.
Today’s Prayer:
Father, thank You for this beautiful day with its endless opportunities and blessings. Grant us the strength to stand firm in Your name, knowing that the battles we face are ultimately Yours. May we trust in Your deliverance and proclaim Your glory through our victories. In Jesus' Name Amen.
100% to God = 0% Compromise to the world!
Happy and Joyful Sabbath as We are filled with this Hope that Burns within Our Heart!
We are United in Christ!
Jesus is Coming Very Soon!
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