Saturday, November 4, 2023

Living by Faith...πŸ™πŸŒΏπŸŒΌ

Many people earnestly long for Christ to come and dwell in their hearts, and they imagine that the reason He does not do so is because they are not good

enough, and they vainly set about trying to get so good that He can condescend to come in. They forget that Christ comes into your heart, not because it is free from sin, but in order to free it from sin; and possibly they never realized that Christ is in the Word, and that if you will make it a constant companion, and will yield yourself to its influence, you will have Christ dwelling within. When you have hidden the Word in your heart, you meditate on it day and night, and you believe it with the simple faith of a child—then you have Christ dwelling in your heart by faith, and you will experience His mighty, creative power -Living by Faith

Happy and Joyful Sabbath as We are filled with this Hope that Burns within Our Heart!

We are United in Christ!  

Jesus is Coming Very Soon!  


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